The Wonder Wharf of 43 Amazing Fictional Boats and Yachts

There are many powerful and majestic ships that have sailed the seas in the world of fiction! Many are unforgettable and they all have a story behind them. This infographic comes from the team at Staten Island Yacht Sales, and it looks at the most iconic fictional boats. Many of different classic films and television shows featured on this infographic include Dexter, Jaws, Popeye, Forrest Gump, the Sopranos, Lost and Star Wars, just to name a few.


This infographic includes classic ships, boats and yachts that are under 100 feet long, over 100 feet long, and even includes a few that are much larger and measure in at over 1,000 feet long. The majority of those come from those that are the smallest, but perhaps they’re the most memorable. Some of these classics include the Khetanna from Star Wars, the Woodwind II from Wedding Crashers, the Inferno from the Goonies, the Aurora from the Adventures of Tintin, and the S.S. Minnow from Gilligan’s Island.

From the classic television show Gilligan’s Island comes the S.S. Minnow, which is undoubtedly one of the most iconic ships throughout the history of pop culture. Gilligan’s Island, which originally ran on television from 1964 through 1967, prominently featured the S.S. Minnow. It was named about Newton Minow, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s former chairman. Interestingly enough, the executive producer of Gilligan’s Island felt that Newton Minow “ruined television.”

Other classic ships, boats and yachts included on this infographic include:

  • Lifeboat, Life of Pi
  • Donzi 38ZX 2, Bad Boys II
  • The Death Boat, Clash of the Titans
  • Slice of Life, Dexter
  • La Quila, Jungle Cruise
  • Thunderbird 4, Thunderbirds
  • Pequod, Moby Dick

Which of these iconic ships, boats and yachts from pop culture is the most memorable for you personally?

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