Remember that post we did a while back about viral videos from the aughts that you forgot about? Well, it turns out that mostly not everyone has forgotten about some of them.
The Original End of Ze World and Jason Windsor is back and is calling us out on our racism, environmental neglect, politics, nuclear fear, and insanity with a much newer message (and much better audio quality). And it seems like it’s about time.
Windsor told Gizmodo, “…watching 2017 unfold made me want to make something. Maybe it’s just a way to deal with my own fear and anger and frustration.”
And, yeah, just as George Bush’s weird tirades and odd quotes seem flipping quaint by comparison to modern-day tweets, the likelihood of the end of the world seems a lot more legit this time.
“Because, yeah man, shit’s fucked right now, and it’s only going to be getting worse,” he told
We’re big fans. And we’re big fans of his new word: Dickfluence.
The End of Ze World… Probably For Real This Time
What other aughts nostalgia will be coming back to help us cope with a red and radicalized America ramping up our military while neglecting the environment and poor?
Chain wallets?
Vampires? Zombies? Vampire zombies?
These earrings?
Marilyn Manson?
Studded clothing?
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