Which Countries Are Best at Protecting Its Citizens from AI?

As AI grows and develops, we can assume that it will have major impacts on society. Governments and businesses will need to regulate the ethical use and research of AI. The team at AIPRM gathered information on what kind of policies that countries around the world enacted to promote AI research and what laws were developed to determine ethics. You can see here how many AI policies each country developed, whether they have a national strategy, and how much money they invested into research.


The United States leads the world in policy, strategy, and laws regulating AI use. It’s not clear how much they’ve spent on these initiatives, but they have the highest number of policies. The European Union spent the most on their policies, leading the way with the AI Act that’s sure to set the precedent for policies to come. This is the first horizontal policy and could serve as a good blueprint for other nations.

AIPRM broke down these strategies into four major categories: governance policies, guidance and regulation policies, AI enablers and incentive policies, and financial support policies. They’ve detailed what each of these categories encompasses. It’s clear that nations worldwide are concerned with the possible negative impacts of AI along with the benefits. AI companies will need to monitor the ethical use of AI as well as develop honest practices surrounding research and data harvesting practices. Most countries working on AI seem to be enacting such policies, but there are some notable exceptions here. This infographic is a great insight into the way the AI landscape is rapidly changing.

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