Your Guide to the World’s Supply of Gold and Silver

Have you ever wondered where the most precious metals in the world are mined? The team at Kylar Mack have given us a map to the answer. They determined the countries where the most gold and silver are mined, then mapped and ranked the results. Studying where we can find precious metals like gold, silver, palladium, and platinum can tell us a lot about world economies and other events.

Where Have the Most Gold, Silver, and Other Precious Metals Been Found?

This fascinating map shows us that the most gold has been mined in China, which comprises 11.8% of the world’s gold supply. Overall, it seems we’ve already mined a majority of the world’s gold with only about 20% of the supply left under the ground. It’s possible advancing technology will help us find more in the future, but as it stands a large part of gold’s value comes from it’s scarcity. Of the gold that’s been removed from the ground, it’s estimated that 45% of it is has been transformed into jewelry. China may have the most gold, but the world’s largest mine is in South Africa, which happens to be the source of the platinum in the world.

There is a silver shortage due to it’s use in solar panels and other sought after products. Over half the world’s silver can be found in just four countries on Earth. These countries are Mexico, Peru, China, and Australia. It’s fascinating to see that Western Europe has no precious metal mines and neither does a majority of the African continent. Australia meanwhile is a huge source of both gold and silver.

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