Which States Report the Best Sex Lives?

NapLab’s recent nationwide survey on sexual satisfaction has uncovered some intriguing insights that they laid out on this infographic. On a scale of 1 to 10, the average self-reported satisfaction score across the U.S. is just 4.77. This suggests a significant number of Americans are less than thrilled with their sex lives. Notably, 23.6% of respondents rated their satisfaction a mere 1, while only 10.6% gave it a perfect 10. Despite 45.6% reporting sex at least once a week, higher frequency clearly doesn’t equate to greater satisfaction.

Which States Have the Best Sex?

Top 10 States with the Highest Sex Satisfaction Scores:

  1. Oklahoma: 6.792
  2. Kentucky: 6.524
  3. Texas: 6.433
  4. Maine: 6.200
  5. Iowa: 6.143
  6. Louisiana: 6.048
  7. Arkansas: 6.045
  8. New Hampshire: 5.955
  9. Georgia: 5.870
  10. South Dakota: 5.864

Interestingly, most of these top-performing states are located in the Bible Belt, suggesting a surprising trend where traditionally conservative regions report higher satisfaction. At the other end of the spectrum, Virginia, New Mexico, and Alaska scored below 3, despite previous studies from NapLab reporting high sexual activity in these states. What can sex lives tell us about life in these states?

Factors influencing these scores may include the rise of technology use, changing social norms, and decreased alcohol consumption. Effective communication with partners, engaging in more non-sexual physical contact, and even investing in a comfortable mattress can enhance sexual satisfaction.

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