Celebrate Father’s Day With 50 Wise Quotes from Your Favorite Fictional Parents Olivia Biggs June 15, 2018 Infographics, Movies, TV Shows This Sunday is Father's Day, celebrate with these wise and inspirational quotes from fictional dads, moms, and guardians! "When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives...
The 14 Best Opening Credit Sequences in the Past Decade of TV Dramas Eva Finch February 21, 2018 TV Shows With Netflix's "Skip intro" feature, skipping the title sequence has never been easier. What's better than getting right to the action when binging your favorite show? Not so fast. Sometimes TV intros and their...
50 Empowering Quotes from Fictional Female Characters Jeannine Sellers January 11, 2018 Infographics, Movies, TV Shows “Once you tell your story, it can be empowering.” ~ Olivia Benson Now more than ever, true stories told by women are emerging to inspire, empower, and instigate change. Fictional stories and their heroines also...
10 Fan Art Masterpieces Inspired by Supernatural Eva Finch January 10, 2018 Art & Design, TV Shows Supernatural has gripped and enchanted fans for nearly thirteen years now. This is an incredible feat considering the show has preserved a core group of characters, subjecting them to situations that range from...
Which canceled original Netflix show would you bring back for another season? Eva Finch December 12, 2017 Polls, TV Shows Our robot overlords at Netflix have decided to cancel the following shows, usually for low viewership. Which, if you had the choice (which we don’t, unfortunately), would you bring back for a final full season?...
Management Tips For Nerds, By Nerds Olivia Biggs November 1, 2017 Movies, TV Shows In film and TV, there are a lot more terrible bosses than good ones to look up to. Either they’re played for comedic effect like Michael Scott from The Office (so that we can ultimately laugh at our own bosses)...
Obscure Halloween TV Specials From Your Childhood Eva Finch October 10, 2017 Polls, TV Shows First off, we’ve disqualified The Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus. Firstly, because they’re not obscure, and secondly because they’d win. No contest. The Worst Witch (1986) Before there was...
5 Arguments That Make You Question Who Bad Guys Are in Your Favorite Series Olivia Biggs October 5, 2017 Movies, TV Shows What does Star Wars, Firefly, the Lord of the Rings, Super Mario Brothers, and The Wizard of Oz have in common, besides an important place in our collective imagination? Moral ambiguities. Here are some o...