The Top 50 Highest-Grossing Superhero Movies of All Time Ranked by Their Rotten Tomatoes Score Eva Finch February 4, 2025 Geek Viz by PixlParade, Movies, Superheroes Welcome to our very first Geek Viz, part of what will become a series of visualizations, posters, charts, and other geeky visuals that are based on our favorite movies, TV shows, video games, and more. Our P...
POLL: What is the Best Superpower? Jeannine Sellers July 20, 2021 Polls, Superheroes Super heroes come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and abilities. Some have wicked cool superpowers that help them beat their enemies and escape danger while others get the short end of the stick. If you coul...
POLL: What’s the Best Superhero Show on TV Right Now? Tucker Jaxson September 17, 2020 Polls, Superheroes, TV Shows These days, superhero shows seem like they are a dime a dozen. While that might be so, if you know how to sift through the noise, there are a lot of super-powered gems out there! As always, Marvel and DC C...
A ‘Batman Vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Animated Movie is Coming Tucker Jaxson February 20, 2019 Movies, Superheroes The facts are that both Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are awesome. You can't argue it. Could you imagine if they crossed paths? Spoiler: They are. News recently came out about how the Dark ...
There’s a surprising amount of superheroes packed in New York City! Olivia Biggs November 6, 2018 Infographics, Superheroes How do they not bump into each other? While it’s pretty well known that DC’s characters live in usually either Gotham or Metropolis, which some have compared to New York City since the Big Apple was the basis ...
POLL: What are the Best Live-Action DC and Marvel TV Shows Since 2000? Eva Finch July 23, 2018 Polls, Superheroes, TV Shows Over the past 2 decades, networks like The CW, FX, ABC, and Netflix have been churning out Marvel and DC TV shows left and right. Some, like Inhumans, were poorly reviewed and subsequently canceled but others, ...
Poll: What are the Best (and Worst) Live-Action DC Movies? Tucker Jaxson April 9, 2018 Movies, Polls, Superheroes In June of 1938, Detective Comics, Inc. launched Action Comics #1. This marked the first appearance of Superman and also the first comic book to feature a superhero. With the concept proving quite popular, they...
This Chart Showcases 86 Different Superheroes Who Have Super-Powered Skin Tucker Jaxson July 24, 2017 Infographics, Superheroes It’s a bird… it’s a plane… just kidding, it’s just one of the coolest infographics you'll ever see. Some superheroes are invulnerable and unbreakable. From Marvel’s X-Men and the Incredible Hulk to DC’s Supe...
10 Marvel Characters That Probably Won’t Get Their Own Movie Olivia Biggs February 14, 2017 Movies, Superheroes We are now in “Phase Three” of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has spawned so very many movies and made roughly $10 billion dollars worldwide. Disney’s swimming in a giant Mickey-Mouse-shaped pool of cash....