The 30 Tallest Fictional Characters of All Time

Last Updated: 03/06/2025

We’re getting a lot of feedback from you all about characters that we’ve missed. We’ve heard you, and want to make an updated, definitive guide with your help. Please comment with any of the tallest characters we’ve missed and we’ll add them! Thank you /u/terminatorvsmtrx for pointing out the Reddit thread that started this and thank you to everyone who is emailing us and commenting below.

We are adding new characters, creatures, robots, mechas, and more to our tallest characters list. Send us your suggestions for the tallest characters of all time!

Email us or add a comment at the bottom of this article to submit a new character.

We’ll give the community some time to keep giving us suggestions while we do some additional research of our own. Once we’re happy with the new list, we’ll update this visualization and article.

We are adding characters to the suggestion list regularly. At this point, we think it’s realistic to estimate that we’ll be ready to update this article and start redesigning the visualization by the end of March 2025.

It’s important to note that we are only considering bipedal characters and those that cannot grow indefinitely. In other words, they must walk on two legs and must have a maximum size.


Updates, Additions, and Research Notes:

Please keep the suggestions coming! We can only do this with your help. We’re hoping for the most accurate and definitive list possible.


Start of original article, unedited since 02/26/2025 (Soon to be edited and updated)


The tallest person in recorded history was Robert Pershing Wadlow, an American man who was 8 feet 11 inches tall. In the animal kingdom, blue whales can grow as large as 110 feet. In the world of fiction, however, characters who challenge our real-world records can exist. This visualization from the research team at PixlParade features the very tallest of those characters. Some of these towering titans are villains and monsters, while others are valuable allies and gentle giants. Check out our chart below and let us know if we missed any of the tallest characters of all time.

Please note that we only considered characters that stand on two legs and excluded any characters with limitless growth abilities.


Here are the 5 tallest fictional characters of all time:

  1. Exitar the Exterminator (Marvel Universe) – 20,000 ft (6,069 m)
  2. Cronos (God of War Universe) – 1,640 ft (604 m)
  3. Ymir (Marvel Universe) – 1,000 ft (300 m) – tie
  4. Surtur (Marvel Universe) – 1,000 ft (300 m) – tie
  5. Metroplex (Transformers Universe) – 698 ft (213 m)

The Tallest Marvel Characters of All Time

Three of the four tallest fictional characters of all time come from the Marvel Universe. Some are superheroes and some are supervillains. Exitar the Exterminator is the tallest of the tall, standing at 20,000 feet. Known as The Destroyer of Worlds, Exitar was created to rid the universe of unworthy planets. He first appeared in 1988 in issue #387 of Thor.

Ymir is the third-tallest fictional character of all time and the second-tallest in the Marvel Universe. Ymir is a 1000-foot tall, immortal frost giant who has faced off against the Avengers, Doctor Strange, the X-Men, and Thor. He first appeared in 1963 in issue #97 of Journey into Mystery.

Surtur is the fourth-tallest fictional character of all time and the third-tallest in the Marvel Universe. Like Ymir, he appeared in issue #97 of Journey into Mystery, is 1000 feet tall, and became one of Thor’s most well-known enemies. Unlike Ymir, Surtur is a fire giant. Surtur also appeared in the film Thor: Ragnarok.

Other Marvel characters that rank among the tallest fictional characters of all time include the Sentinels from X-Men and Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy.

The Tallest Video Game Characters of All Time

Cronos from the God of War series is the second-tallest fictional character and the tallest video game character of all time. Standing at a towering 1640 feet, Cronos is so large that the player’s character, Kratos, can only defeat him by ripping a hole from the inside of his stomach.

The second-tallest video game character of all time is Malus from Shadow of the Colossus. This 217-foot behemoth is the sixteenth and final colossus the player must climb and defeat, first by exposing the weak spots on its arms and then the one on the top of its head.

The third-tallest character from video games of all time is the Fire Giant from Elden Ring. This 79-foot-tall boss lives in the Mountaintops of the Giants and is regarded as one of the most difficult enemies in the game. While strategies can differ from player to player, it is best to start by attacking his leg until he rips it off, then attacking his arm.

Other video game characters that rank among the tallest fictional characters of all time include Kaysa from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Ndesu from Resident Evil 5.

The Tallest Anime Characters of All Time

Many anime series feature large, robotic mech suits, kaiju, or some combination thereof. Sachiel from Neon Genesis Evangelion is the tallest anime character and the ninth-tallest fictional character of all time. With a height of 328 feet, Sachiel is initially non-combative until it adapts to its environment after being attacked, eventually self-destructing as part of its retaliation.

The second-tallest anime character of all time is the Colossal Titan from Attack on Titan. At a height of 197 feet, the Colossal Titan is incredibly strong and can emit steam from its body to roast its enemies.

The third-largest anime character of all time is the NZ-000 Queen Mansa from Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ. Queen Mansa is a 138-foot mobile suit originally piloted by Ple Two. Equipped with a Mega Particle Deflector and Psycommu (Psycho Communicator) system, its head can also be used as an escape pod. Queen Mansa appeared in episodes 44 – 46 of Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ as well as the Gundam Battle Assault video game.

Additional anime characters that rank among the tallest fictional characters of all time include Big O from Big O and Jidanbō Ikkanzaka from Bleach.

Godzilla vs. King Kong: Which One is Taller?

Godzilla is taller than King Kong. When someone thinks of large fictional characters, Godzilla is the first that will come to mind for many. Standing at an intimidating 393 feet, Godzilla ranks #7 on the list of tallest fictional characters. He is 56 feet taller than his 337-foot rival, King Kong.


End of original article from 02/26/2025 (Soon to be edited and updated)


List of the New Contenders That We May Add to Our Tallest Characters List

This list is continually updated as we continue our research. (Last updated 03/06/2025)

Here is a list of the contenders to be added to the list so far. This is a combination of suggestions from the community and characters we’ve found through additional research. We haven’t yet studied all of the suggestions in this list to see if they meet the qualifications, but at first glance, it appears many do.

  1. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (Ghostbusters universe) [Suggested by Only Zuul in the comments below]
  2. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Gurren Lagann) [Suggested by /u/wnaleatoreo]
  3. Mechs from Getter Robo [Suggested by /u/mmgod86] – Example: The Getter Emperor
  4. Characters from Asura’s Wrath [Suggested by /u/mmgod86]
  5. Gorrl (Supreme) [Suggested by /u/mmgod86]
  6. The Monitors (DC universe) [Suggested by /u/mmgod86] – Over-Monitor may be infinitely huge. Anti-Monitor is another example.
  7. Unicron (Transformers universe) [Suggested by /u/BaconServant]
  8. Galactus (Marvel universe) [Suggested by /u/shagggadooo and /u/DaveinOakland]
  9. Cthulhu (Lovecraft universe) [Suggested by /u/Srirachakaan]
  10. Oryx, the Taken King (Destiny universe) [Suggested by /u/tjseminara]
  11. The Celestials as they are depicted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In The Eternals, Arishem the Judge is said to be 200 miles tall. However, the Celestials are normally only 2,000 feet tall in the comics, with Exitar being the tallest by far at 20,000 feet in height. In Guardians of the Galaxy (the MCU film), Eson the Searcher seems to be about the size you’d expect from the comics. [Discussed by /u/Medic7802, /u/terminatorvsmtrx, /u/zipzapcap1, and /u/Equal-Ad-2710]
  12. Ultraman (Ultraman universe) [Suggested by /u/cr4pb4gs]
  13. Gamera (Gamera, the Giant Monster) [Suggested by /u/cr4pb4gs]
  14. Zorah Magdaros (Monster Hunter universe) [Suggested by /u/cr4pb4gs]
  15. Talos (Dragons Dogma 2) [Suggested by /u/cr4pb4gs]
  16. Stilt-Man (Marvel universe) [Suggested by George G in the comments below]
  17. Apache Chief (Super Friends and Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law) Not the tallest but definitely tall enough to make the list at 50 feet [Found in an old Reddit thread, suggested by /u/EricandtheLegion. This thread also mentions Stilt-Man.]
  18. Slattern (Pacific Rim) 596 feet or 181.66 meters [Found by our team here] Some depictions show Slattern walking on four legs but he is clearly bipedal as presented in Pacific Rim: The Game.
  19. Bratt’s Giant Robot (Despicable Me 3) [Found by our team] – How tall is Balthazar Bratt’s Giant Robot? It wasn’t immediately clear how tall the robot is as we couldn’t find any readily available estimates. But, given some information that we do know, we can calculate an evidence-based estimate ourselves. The robot is shown exiting the ocean next to an amusement park, on a pier that we believe is based on Pacific Park in Santa Monica, California. The camera’s perspective makes it difficult to know for sure, but the robot seems to be slightly taller than the Ferris wheel plus the height of the pier from the water. If the Santa Monica Pier is 26 feet tall, and the Pacific Wheel is 85 feet tall, that would mean it’s safe for us to estimate that Balthazar Bratt’s Giant Robot is at least 111 feet tall. However, since Pacific Park claims the view from the top of their Ferris wheel is from 130 feet above the ground, this could indicate that Bratt’s Giant Robot is actually taller than 130 feet in height.
  20. Voltron (Voltron) [Sent to us via email, thanks Adrian] – Voltron is 328 feet tall.
  21. Great Ape (Dragon Ball universe) [Found by our team] – We’re huge Dragon Ball Z fans, so it’s surprising we didn’t think of this one sooner. Throughout the franchise’s history, multiple Saiyan characters transform into their Great Ape forms including, but not limited to, Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan. They seem to be depicted at different heights, estimates range from 25-30 feet tall on the low end and 50 feet tall or more on the high end.
  22. Way Big (Ben 10) [Found by our team] – Way Big’s height is inconsistent, and there is speculation he can alter it at will, but he is always depicted as being either around 100 feet or 30.48 meters tall or 120 feet or 36.58 meters tall.
  23. Zillo Beast (Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: The Bad Batch) [Found by our team] – This tragic monstrosity stands at 97 meters or 318.241 feet tall.
  24. Mangog (Marvel universe) [Found by our team] – Can grow to 25 feet tall (7.62 meters.)
  25. Validus (DC Universe) [Found by our team] – A member of the villain team, the Fatal Five. He is depicted at different heights throughout his history but some estimates say he is 25 feet tall, another says 28 feet tall, and other estimates even say 36 feet tall. We’ve even found an estimate that says he’s 15 feet tall. If Validus gets added to the list, we’ll have to do some additional research and perhaps even calculate a height estimate ourselves.
  26. Dagon (Lovecraft Universe) [Found by our team] – It’s not immediately clear to us if Dagon is bipedal. Some images show him as standing upright on two legs but others show and describe him as having the lower body of an eel and no legs at all.
  27. Piccolo’s Super Giant Form Great Namekian (Dragon Ball Universe) – [Found by our team] – In Piccolo’s Super Giant Form, Goku is said to be smaller than his fingernail. Using that information along with Goku and Piccolo’s known heights (5’9″ and 7’5″ respectively) to do some rough math, we have attempted to estimate his height. We’re assuming his fingernails are normally about an inch long and would become the equivalent of 5 foot 9 inches long in this super giant form. At 7 foot 5, he is 89 fingernails tall. Multiply this by 5’9″ and his estimated height is 511.75 feet tall or 155.98 meters tall.
  28. Mister Fantastic (Marvel Universe) [Found by our team] – We’ll need to do more research to determine if Reed Richards has a maximum size or not.
  29. Plastic Man (DC Universe) [Found by our team] – Just as with Mr. Fantastic, we need to determine if Patrick O’Brian has a maximum size.
  30. Metamorpho (DC Universe) [Found by our team] – More research is required to see if he can grow. He can become different elements and change his body’s shape, so we’ll need to discover if that power extends to growing or not.
  31. Elongated Man (DC Universe) [Found by our team]
  32. Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen Universe) [Found by our team] – May have the ability to grow infinitely.
  33. Ant-Man (Marvel Universe) [Found by our team] – This estimation by Adrian Hsiah on Quora puts Ant Man’s maximum size at 217.5 feet tall or 66.29 meters tall in the scene from Ant-Man and the Wasp when he stands next to a ferry. This estimation by /u/choyjay on Reddit speculates that he may not have beaten his 65 foot record (established in Ant-Man) and that he reaches 109 feet tall in Avengers: Endgame. We’ll need to do some additional research and cross-referencing before making a decision on Ant-Man. If it seems like he can always get bigger when the stakes are high, he may be disqualified for infinite size manipulation. When Ant-Man grows to giant proportions, he is known as Giant-Man.
  34. Diane (The Seven Deadly Sins) [Found by our team] – Diane is can grow to 30 feet tall.
  35. Gamabunta (Naruto) [Found by our team] – 17 meters or 55.78 feet tall.
  36. Jidanbō Ikkanzaka (Bleach) [Found by our team] – 32 feet 5 inches tall. He is in the original list but the height we have him listed at may need to be adjusted.
  37. Fin Fang Foom (Marvel Universe) [Found by our team] – Can grow but has never grown more than 255 feet in height. Unclear if he can grow indefinitely.
  38. Master Mold (Marvel Universe) [Found by our team] – Seems to be 30 feet tall by default but can apparently manipulate his size at will.
  39. Sentinel Mk II (Marvel Universe) [Found by our team] – Mk I sentinels are 10 feet in height and Mk II sentinels are 20 feet tall.
  40. Chemo (DC Universe) [Found by our team] – Chemo is 25 feet tall.
  41. Metal Gear RAY (Metal Gear Universe) [Submitted via email, thanks James] – Metal Gear RAY is 70.5 feet tall 21.5 meters tall.
  42. Kraid (Metroid Universe) [Found by our team] – A clever estimation by Metroid Fan determined that Kraid is 43.75 feet tall. Official documentation only ever refers to Kraid as “over two stories tall” which would put his minimum height at 9.9 meters or 32.5 feet tall. Therefore, we’ll default to Metroid Fan’s math, which was based on how tall Samus is in comparison. Jcogginsa has him listed at 40 feet tall, which is also plausible, but I couldn’t find another source to back that figure up.
  43. Nancy Fowler Archer (Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, 1958) [Found by our team] – Nancy is 50 feet tall.
  44. Necrogiant (Painkiller) [Submitted by BBall in the comments below] – The Necrogiant is 200 feet tall. This submission has sent us down a rabbit hole looking for more tall boss battle creatures from video games, expect some of those to come next.
  45. Cyberdemon (Doom Universe) [Found by our team] – Cyberdemons are 20 feet tall.
  46. Death Egg Robot (Sonic Universe) [Found by our team] – Dr. Robotnik’s Death Egg Robot is over 20 feet tall.
  47. Dr. Kahl’s Robot (Cuphead Universe) [Found by our team] – Dr Kahl’s Robot is 50 feet tall.
  48. Giant Kevin (Minions) [Found by our team] – This source says he is 40 meters tall but this will need to be cross-referenced. A more complete fandom article here doesn’t specify how tall he grows in Minions. In this clip from that scene, right before the missile is fired at him, he appears to be around twice as tall as the 5 story building to his left. A story is about 3-4.5 meters tall. So we can estimate his height to be between 30 and 45 meters tall or 98.43 to 147.64 meters tall.
  49. Mechagodzilla (Godzilla Universe) [Submitted by Mike in the comments below] – Just like Godzilla and King Kong, Mechagodzilla’s height varies from one piece of media to the next, but it seems like his very tallest is in Godzilla vs. Kong where Mechagodzilla stands at 400 feet tall or 122 meters tall.


  • As our list of suggestions continues to expand, we are considering increasing the minimum height requirement from 20 feet to 50 feet.


The Characters and Creatures That Didn’t Make Our List and Why

This list is continually updated as we continue our research. (Last updated 03/02/2025)

There is an absurdly large number of tall fictional creatures and characters across all forms of media. Our study aims to include only fictional characters that are bipedal (walk on two legs) and have a maximum size (they can’t have the ability to grow infinitely), and we are doing our best to add all characters and creatures that meet that criteria. In this section, we’ll explore the tallest fictional creatures and characters that didn’t meet our requirements and explain why they were disqualified.

  1. “Clover” (The Cloverfield Universe) – Reason for disqualification: Not bipedal – In Cloverfield (2008), the monster is 25 stories tall, or roughly 250 feet/76 meters. The creature in this film does not qualify because it is depicted as a quadruped, a creature that walks on four legs. While it appears to be capable of briefly standing and walking on two legs,  so can bears … and dogs. I don’t think anyone would argue that bears and dogs are bipedal. There is speculation that the adult Cloverfield monster featured in Cloverfield Paradox (2018) is now a bipedal creature, but proof is never shown on screen. If future appearances prove that the monster walks on two legs, Clover would rank quite high on our list, standing at an estimated 3,200 to 6,500 feet or 1,000 to 2000 meters. This estimation is based on the final scene of the film, when the monster is shown to emerge above the clouds.
  2. Mega-Kaiju (Pacific Rim: Uprising) – Reason for disqualification: Not bipedal – Mega-Kaiju walks upright but has six limbs, four of which are used as legs. Mega-Kaiju stands at 419 feet or 128.01 meters.
  3. Super Shenron (Dragon Ball Super) – Reason for disqualification: Not bipedal – Super Shenron is larger than multiple galaxies put together. This would be hard for us to visualize as it is, so luckily he is disqualified for not having any legs. He’s also shown to be able to change his size to become much smaller, so it’s possible he’s also able to grow indefinitely and doesn’t have a maximum size. If that’s the case, that would be another disqualifying characteristic.
  4. Perpetua (DC Universe) – Reason for disqualification: Can grow indefinitely – She has never been shown to have a maximum size and has been depicted from as small as an average human to large enough to carry the universe in her hands.
  5. Gods of the Marvel Multiverse (One-Above-All, First Firmament, Living Tribunal, Eternity, Infinity, Galactus, Death, Oblivion, The Never Queen) (Marvel Universe) – Reason for disqualification: Can grow indefinitely – The One-Above-All is the most powerful being in the Multiverse and is the creator of everything that has or ever will exist. He is omnipresent, meaning that not only did he create the universe, he is the universe. He and other cosmic beings such as The First Firmament, the Living Tribunal, Eternity, Infinity, Galactus, Death, and Oblivion all have the ability to grow infinitely.
  6. Trigon (DC Universe) – Reason for disqualification: Can grow indefinitely – Trigon is a powerful demonic supervillain.
  7. Fernus (DC Universe) – Reason for disqualification: Can grow indefinitely – Fernus is a several billion year-old alien from Mars.
  8. Solaris (DC Universe) – Reason for disqualification: Not bipedal – Solaris is gigantic but doesn’t have any legs, he’s an artificial star.
  9. The “Extra-galactic” Marble Alien (Men in Black) – Reason for disqualification: No evidence that the alien is bipedal – At the end of Men in Black, it is revealed that our galaxy is inside of a marble that an absolutely massive alien is playing with. Other marbles in the alien’s possession appear to have galaxies within them as well. Knowing that the milky way galaxy is 100,000 light-years across, the Marble Alien holding it could be hundreds of millions of light-years tall or more. Not counting infinitely-sized cosmic entities, the Marble Alien may be the tallest fictional creature of all time.
  10. Swimmers (Doctor Who Universe) – Reason for disqualification: No evidence that they are bipedal – Widely regarded as the largest fictional creatures of all time, the Swimmers are so gigantic that entire universes “pop like bubbles” against their sides as they swim through the void. They are 150 quadrillion light-years long, which is 3 million times larger than an average universe (157 billion light-years across). Swimmers are unquestionably larger than Men in Black‘s Marble Alien, but since they don’t stand on anything, and are compared to whales swimming through an ocean, words like “longest” and “largest” seem like more appropriate descriptors.
  11. Kraken (Clash of the Titans) – Reason for disqualification: Not bipedal – In the 1981 version, the Kraken doesn’t have any legs, and in the 2010 version, the Kraken appears to have at least 10 legs. It stands at an impressive height between 91 and 300 meters according to estimates.
  12. Reaper Destroyer (Mass Effect Universe) – Reason for disqualification: Not bipedal – These 160 meter tall (524.93 feet) baddies walk on four legs.
  13. The Beyonder (Marvel Universe) – Reason for disqualification: Can grow indefinitely.

Please let us know if you have any contradicting evidence about any of the disqualified characters and creatures.


The tallest fictional characters of all time were collected by our research team over a several week-long period. We scoured dozens upon dozens of wikis, forums, Reddit threads, articles, and more and painstakingly researched each character to ensure accuracy. We watched and re-watched scenes from movies, TV shows, and video games and even crowd sourced responses from Facebook and Reddit. We could not have done this without the help of you, the community.

We acknowledge that a complete list of every tall character that has ever existed is likely impossible. We aim to get as close to a definitive list as possible and are willing to update it as many times as is necessary to make that happen.

Criteria for a character or creature to qualify for our list:

  1. Must be at least 20 feet tall
  2. Must walk on two legs (bipedal)
  3. Cannot be infinitely sized or able to grow infinitely.  Needs a maximum height.
  4. Overly obscure characters and series have been avoided (this is entirely subjective).

Our Original List of the Tallest Characters of All Time

Please note that this is the original unedited and unupdated list from 02/26/2025.


Character + Source



Exitar the Exterminator

Marvel Universe

20,000 ft

6,096 m



God of War Universe

1,640 ft

604 m



Marvel Universe

1,000 ft

300 m



Marvel Universe

1,000 ft

300 m



Transformers Universe

698 ft

213 m


Sanjuan Wolf

One Piece (1999)

590.5 ft

180 m



Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)

393 ft

120 m


King Kong

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)

337 ft

103 m



Neon Genesis Evangelion (1997)

328 ft

100 m


Skar King

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024)

318 ft

97 m


Statue of Liberty (for scale)

United States of America

305 ft

93 m



DC Universe

300 ft

91 m



The Incredibles (2004)

300 ft

91 m


Cherno Alpha

Pacific Rim (2013)

280 ft

85 m



Shadow of the Colossus (2005)

217 ft

66 m


Colossal Titan

Attack on Titan (2013)

197 ft

60 m


Queen Mansa

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ (1986)

138 ft

42 m


Dino Megazord

Power Rangers (1993)

134.5 ft

41 m


Adam Szalinski

Honey, I Blew Up the Kid (1992)

112 ft

34 m


Big O

Big O (1999)

98 ft

30 m


Fire Giant

Elden Ring (2022)

79 ft

24 m



DC Universe

50.5 ft

15.4 m


Iron Giant

The Iron Giant (1957)

50 ft

15.2 m



The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)

40 ft

12.2 m


Siren Head

Trevor Henderson Mythos

39 ft

12 m


Jidanbō Ikkanzaka

Bleach (2006)

32.5 ft

10 m



Marvel Universe

30 ft

9 m


Optimus Prime

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023)

28 ft

8.5 m



Resident Evil 5 (2009)

25 ft

7.6 m



The BFG (1982)

24 ft

7 m



Marvel Universe

23 ft

7 m

Sources: Special thanks to Jcogginsa. Without your hard work on the Sufficient Velocity forum in 2021, I don’t think we would have ever found some of these amazing characters.



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This is our second ever Geek Viz. PixlParade’s series of visualizations created by our team of researchers, writers, and designers.


See also: The Best Superhero Movies of All Time

About The Author


Eva is the founder and ringleader behind PixlParade! She brings with her an extensive professional background in researching, writing, and editing for a variety of industries. She's excited to now be putting those talents to use in creating cool content about the works of fiction that she is most passionate about and sharing those with the devoted fans who will geek out over it as much as she does. Eva's top areas of expertise include video games, anime, science fiction, and fantasy. Beyond PixlParade, Eva loves hiking, gardening, dancing, and going on epic adventures with her dogs.

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10 Responses

    • Eva Finch

      A glaring omission on our part. Added to the suggestion list, thanks!

  1. BBall

    Perhaps this is a little more obscure but the Necrogiant from Painkiler is 200 ft tall.

  2. PolishPete

    Be sure to check into all the anime mech shows. Theres so many of those.

    • Eva Finch

      We are digging our way through as many mecha anime shows and movies as we can find. Expect more mechas in the list soon!

    • Eva Finch

      They are separate entities. Great suggestion, Mechagodzilla is now in our list of contenders.


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